So the future in-laws came for Thanksgiving, or rather the week before since working for retail is unforgiving during the holidays. No regrets leaving Target. We went to Maui Pho, our Asian outlet in Bakersfield, played soccer, basketball, and opened Christmas presents.
I love giving presents and watching the "What the heck am I going to do with this?" reactions. I think when you buy presents, you don't look for the need factor, but the reaction factor. The reaction that makes you stop and remember what it was like to be happy. With that said, we bought Christine's Dad a remote control helicopter. At first we got the "What the" reaction, but after we charged it for 30 minutes, we all went into the living room and played with it for 6 minutes alloted. Christine's dad looked like a little boy playing with a brand new toy he had been asking for all year long. And right there I knew I found the best present. Hope you got a mental picture of that because I was too busy playing with it to take a picture.

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